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  • Writer's pictureLauren Walker

Eagle Arms (Garudasana): Do you Suffer from: Neck Pain?

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Take a look at where your shoulders are as you’re reading this article. Odds are, they are shrugged up into your ears, hunching forward, or both. The shoulder has the most flexible joint in the body, but because our range of motion is limited during the day, our shoulders often lock up as a result. In our technology-obsessed culture, it's not uncommon for your shoulders to be rounded—over our computers and over our phones.

Shoulder-opening yoga poses can help alleviate the tension that contributes to bad posture, neck pain, and difficulty breathing. Think about it: Bending over puts extra weight and compression on your lungs and diaphragm, making it harder to properly fill up your lungs and breathe deeply. So how can you open your shoulders and avoid looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Hold each pose for three to five breaths to really feel the stretch.

Tips for neck pain

· Don't stay in one position for too long It's hard to reverse bad posture but if you get up and move around often enough, you'll avoid getting your neck stuck in an unhealthy position. · Make some ergonomic adjustments Position your computer monitor at eye level so you can see it easily. Use the hands-free function on your phone or wear a headset. Prop your tablet on a pillow so that it sits at a 45° angle, instead of lying flat on your lap. · If you wear glasses, keep your prescription up to date When your eyewear prescription is not up to date, you tend to lean your head back to see better. · Don't use too many pillows Sleeping with several pillows under your head can stifle your neck's range of motion. · Know your limits For example, before you move a big armoire across the room, consider what it might do to your neck and back, and ask for help. · Get a good night's sleep Sleep problems increase the risk for several different conditions, including musculoskeletal pain.

Eagle Arms (Garudasana)

Sometimes, the best way to unwind is a bind, as demonstrated in this yoga pose. Eagle arms is a great way to release your shoulders from your ears. It also helps make your joints more flexible and improves range of motion after being in a fixed position for a long period of time during the day.

How to do the Eagle Arms (Garudasana):

Straighten both arms in front of you. Then, wrap your left arm underneath your right arm so the backs of your hands touch each other. Be sure to slide your shoulder blades down your back as you enjoy the opening across the front of your body.

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Wellness Rituals offers effective alternative healing therapies such as Thai Yoga Massage or our Table Top Stretch Sessions. This unique healing therapy incorporates Yoga, pressure points, and reflexology, aiming to reduce body fatigue.

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